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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie ROTT.PL

Hello everyone, it's Tango at Tosiek's house. My story is as sad as many others. Although a little different. I am an aristocrat, such a dog with a pedigree. Unfortunately, when I was a small breeder, he took me to a terrible place and left me. I thought it was for a moment, but he never came back for me. I lived among pigs and dog friends. I only ate old meat, one that was not tasty and healthy. The Lord beat, kicked and was a very bad man. My only entertainment is my friends who later gave birth to puppies and people came, took them, but nobody took us. We were so stuck for years and just watched whether we would not get stick, and we often got covered. One day strange people came and watched pigs, but they also matured and took us to a similar place, they called them a shelter. The difference was, however, because nobody beat us and there was good food. Then I came to the association to the best people I knew. I got to know what home is. The coolest at home is the fridge, I also have friends and colleagues, I like them, they are cool. Especially the Jaga who taught me so much. But Kasia says it's bad. I have very sick legs, I have already operated on me, but soon I will have another surgery. I have also operated, but Kasia and Marek say that it will be good and that there will still be a house, the same for them, but forever, because I can't stay here, this place is a temporary home, but this is my first home and I like it very much.

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